External Parasites


Flexolt is the new oral lice treatment for sheep that gives farmers the flexibility to treat lice when it suits them. This is a product that changes everything.

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Flexolt is the new oral lice treatment for sheep that gives farmers the flexibility to treat lice when it suits them. This is a product that changes everything.

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Tixafly Cattle Dip and Spray

Tixafly Cattle Dip and Spray

Controls susceptible cattle tick (Boophilus microplus) including chlorinated hydrocarbon, organophosphate and amidine resistant ticks. Does not control Parkhurst Strain. Controls buffalo fly (Haematobia irritans exigua) and New Zealand Cattle Tick (Haemaphysalis longicornis). Applied by plunge dipping, spray races and hand spraying.

Read more about Tixafly Cattle Dip and Spray

Coopers Easy Dose

Coopers Easy Dose

For control of Stable Fly, House Fly, Lice and synthetic pyrethroid susceptible Buffalo Fly on beef and dairy cattle. For control of synthetic pyrethroid susceptible Buffalo fly for up to 3 weeks and Stable fly for up to 1 week on horses. Provides protection from Culicoides brevitarsus for at least 14 days with effective control of blood feeding C. brevitarsus for 6 days post treatment.

Read more about Coopers Easy Dose