
For the control and treatment of diflubenzuron-susceptible lice (Bovicola ovis), including lice resistant to synthetic pyrethroids.



  • Non-Stripping.
  • Can be used on wet or dry sheep and is rainfast.
  • Compatible with zinc sulphate and Hibitane disinfectant.
  • Can be used on short or long woolled sheep (with up to 6 months wool).
  • Can be applied using plunge dips, shower dips, or via jetting equipment.

Trade Advice

Category: External Parasites
Species: Sheep
Active: 250g/L Diflubenzuron
Pack Size: 5L, 20L
Withholding Periods: Meat = Nil. Milk = Nil. ESI = Nil. Wool = 6 months before shearing or fibre collection
Storage: Store below 30 degrees
APVMA: 48741

Dose Rate

150mL per 100L. Refer to label for additional comments regarding treatment.