
To aid in the prevention of pinkeye associated with infection by Moraxella bovis strains.


  • For use in healthy cattle to aid in the prevention of pinkeye associated with infection by Moraxella bovis strains.
  • Can be used in cattle as young as 2 weeks old.

Trade Advice

Category: Specialty Vaccine
Species: Beef and Dairy Cattle
Active: Inactivated cultures of Moraxella bovis isolates in an oil emulsion adjuvant.
Pack Size: 20mL, 100mL
Withholding Periods: Meat = Nil, Milk = Nil, ESI = Nil.
Storage: Store between 2°C – 8°C (Refrigerate. Do not freeze)
APVMA: 60802

User Safety Statement:
In the event of accidental of self-injection seek prompt medical attention.

Dose Rate

Administer 2mL via subcutaneous or intramuscular injection 3-6 weeks prior to the pinkeye season.