Coopers Ovilis Footvax
Footvax is a killed multi-serotype (10 strain) vaccine registered to aid in the control of footrot in sheep and lambs.
Stay one step ahead of footrot.
Footrot is a complex and difficult to diagnose disease. The use of Coopers Ovilis Footvax needs to be part of a complete footrot management plan. Due to the complexity of the disease, and because the use of this vaccine may require a permit in some states (eg NSW, SA and WA), Coopers recommend sheep producers speak to their advisers as soon as possible should footrot be a concern.

- Contains 10 strains of D. nodosus to aid in the control of footrot, for both treatment and prevention.
- Protection against new infections (up to 80%)1.
- Less cases of footrot reduces the need for foot pairing and foot bathing
Trade Advice
Category: Specialty Vaccine
Species: Sheep
Active: Dichelobacter nodosus Serotypes A, B1, B2, C, D, E, F, G, H, I
Pack Size: 250mL (250 doses)
Withholding Periods: Meat = Nil, ESI = Nil, Milk = Nil
Storage: Store between 2°C – 8°C (Refrigerate, Do not freeze)
APVMA: 51170
Dose Rate
1mL by subcutaneous injection high on the neck.
Use of this vaccine may be restricted in your state or territory. Contact your local Department of Agriculture (or similar) for details.
Vaccination Programmes
All sheep in the flock require two doses of Footvax at least six weeks apart for maximum effectiveness.
Footvax can be used in a number of different types of programmes, See pack for details.
Reference 1. Purdue, Footrot in Sheep and Goats, Current approaches to the management of footrot in sheep on New Zealand farms Kim Abbott (2004)
Services & Supports
Industry Affiliations
Industry Affiliations
MSD Animal Health Australia
Allflex Livestock Intelligence